Age: 6.5, then 9 Updated Aug 2019 for multiples after 12 Fall semester our Gap Year, Astroboy expressed an interest in multiplication. When we came
Tag: skip counting
Age: 6 Skills: Multiplication memorization and 2 digit multiplication operation. “Mama! 4 plus 4 plus 4 is 12!” Astroboy told me of this discovery a
Horray for having a curriculum! Sunday night I looked on my presentation calendar and realized I was supposed to present skip counting on Monday. I

Wow, I just looked over all the pics I took over the last month and we’ve been doing more work than even I remember. These
Age: 7.5 Presentations: Multiples: Concept and Language of Multiples, Multiples: Common Multiples, Commutative Law of Multiplication: A Number x a Number, Commutative Law of Multiplication: A Sum x a Number Last week, I
Finally splurged last week and purchased the bead cabinet. I forgot to buy the arrows so now I’m busy making them. This required some