This is my series on our World Schooling Traveling. For more posts, you can check out the index page or subscribe to my Facebook page. You can also subscribe

Both of my kids had pincer grip issues so we’ve used special pencils from the time they started holding any writing instruments. These are fairly
This is part of my series on Building A Chinese Library. At this point, I’ve organized Chinese library for about 5-6 people; the method is the
I struggled for 2 years teaching Thumper spelling. We tried All About Spelling. We tried Evan Moore’s Building Spelling Skills. None of it worked. I
I had a child who struggles with spelling. After 3 years (we started spelling late), I’ve come to some realizations. Please note that my kids
Finally! After so many years, I’m really ready to teach my kids Chinese grammar. Really! So of course I spend days researching Chinese grammar parts
I remember reading The Battle Hymns of the Tiger Mother and thought Amy Chua was crazy for looking for practice space when she vacationed in
This school year, we ended our second year of science co-op. When I first started trying to form one, I tried looking online for information
This is my series on our 2018 Round the Island World Schooling Trip. For more post, you can check out the index page or subscribe to
Age: 8; Traditional book 4th grade. This is not really a review, because, honestly, everyone knows Wizard of Oz. But did you know there are