Astroboy didn’t go to school today. Well, more like he didn’t want to change his clothes and brush his teeth to get ready for school.
Today was not as good. Am I going to last a whole week? Today Thumper was still really eager to go to school. She again

Our first day of school was pretty successful. The kids work up at their usual time and I decided on the spot school was going to
Today is our first day of homeschooling. It has turned out to be like our other Mondays. In the morning we went grocery shopping, bought
It took me three days. But I have finally wrangled my CDs and DVDs into some organization order. Each disk and cover was painstakingly taken out
Every blog has to have that first post which says nothing. It took me an hour to buy the domain just in case I want
Though I only read online papers at home, I tend to get a newspaper every day when I’m in Taiwan. However, during my last trip,
I guess life got boring after I got over my initial shock at living in another country and we settled down into our swim and
What I remembered about the Main Taipei Library was how the librarian really wants you to be very quiet. This was a big contrast to
Ahhh, the vac shots, such a traumatic experience. Thumper has never cried so long and so hard since her vac shot in Taiwan. They’re totally