So after my post WAAAAY back in September, we did not touch on actual zhuyin for the rest of the year. Me bad. Now, I’m forming
Before Astroboy was born, I used to get very frustrated at the fact that Practical Life with Thumper was not what I’d read in books.
Age:4.75 & 7.75 Presentation: Solar Systems Looking over my May pics, I realized I did not document what we did with our solar system study.

As usual, I never got to posting about April. Oh well, it’ll be posted one day. I feel like I’ve fallen off the homeschooling wagon
Age: 4.75 & 7.75 Presentation: 文字接龍 Shiritori The kids and I played a fun game today while eating our Chocolate Chip cookies at Fat Apples. It’s something
Age: 4.75 & 7.75 Presentations: Tables Layout Decanomial Layout: Finding Squares Adjusted Decanomial: Commutative Law Adjusted Decanomial: Tower of Jewels Stacking the cubes Even though
Age: 7.75 & 4.75 Grade: 1st+ The children and I have been immersed in the world of Chinese history the last 2 weeks. I finally
As we start getting into the harder level Chinese, more subject vocabularies, and thinking about grammar, I keep coming back to the need to use our

It is indeed a lot of work to try to write sentences with just 500 characters under your belt and making sure that you reuse
I have finally come up with how I’m going to choose my next characters. That took me two blurry eye days and back to drinking coffee.