I ran out of (trashy) romance dramas to watch, so I finally started on my list of good dramas. Age: 15+, high school and up

If you’re looking to watch an age appropriate Chinese drama with kids, this is probably it.

If you like, no, LOVE books, this is a good watch-it-to-fall-asleep drama. Out of the sweet romance dramas, it was pretty well written. Probably because in addition to the sweet romance, it actually had a good plot line about the FLs career as an editor.

Even if you’re not into BL, this is like a classic if you get into cdramas, kind of like needing to watch Goblin or DOTS for recent kdramas. But only if you dig the wuxia genre. Be patient and wade through the drama till the 3rd episode, when things start to make sense.

If you are willing to watch fantasy sci fi romance, the drama has a really good premise, plus love across time and centuries is always a good draw. Needs a bit better execution but I stayed for the beautiful qipao and scenery.

A pretty good drama with some issues. The setup is funny, pretty unconventional and you can’t predict where things are going. But I kinda got bored by the end and skipped last 3-4 episodes and just watched the ending. Honestly the writing was definitely not quite there, even if the leads weren’t bad in their acting.

If you ever want to discuss women’s experience in the work place with sons and daughters, this is definitely one Chinese drama to watch together, especially through a Chinese and cultural expectation lens.

It’s basically Chinese DOTS (Descendants of the Sun), except he’s a special police and she’s a doctor. But it doesn’t have the angst of DOTS and the plot lines don’t go your typical Kdrama way.

OMG, so so funny! And he’s a really good actor! You can tell just from his body language whether or not he is a woman or a man. Totally watch it!

It’s super well executed, and the plot is super tight; one mystery leads to another to another, all toward the big evil plot. If your kids can watch dead bodies, and likes who dun it, plus political intrigue, then it’s a good drama to watch with them.