This is part of my series on Building A Chinese Library for the Kids. My previous post was on Where to Buy Books in Taiwan. No trip

This post is by no end an exhaustive list of all the places where to buy books in Taiwan, nor a list of the cheapest bookstores. But rather some of my favorite places for books in Taiwan.
Age: 6 Skills: Multiplication memorization and 2 digit multiplication operation. “Mama! 4 plus 4 plus 4 is 12!” Astroboy told me of this discovery a
Things have quieted down here the last week or two because all the classes we signed up for started. Last week, we had 4
Two years ago, thanks to Eclectic Mama, I attended a demo class at Soho Art in the US. During the demo class, the parents had
Age: 6 Presentations: Putting Fractiosn in order from 1 to tenth, Matching Fractions From Whole to a Tenth Note: Here are my other posts on our
Been awhile since I’ve posted a summary of what we’ve been up to homeschooling wise. After a month of minimal homeschooling in Japan and Korea,
This Friday will mark the 6th week we’ve been in Taipei. By about the 4th week I was starting to worry about the children’s Chinese.
One of the things I’ve been looking for during our trip back to Taiwan are non-fiction books. We’ve been finding our non-fiction books lacking whenever
Itinerary: Elephant Mountain 象山, Coco Curry, Ice Monster, Shin Kong Mitsubishi The weather is turning warmer once again after a few days of rain last