I have a 2000-3000 book library collection spanning from ages 0-18. Books often cost 250-350 NT list price. At that cost, that’s $17000 – $37000.
Category: Library

This is part of my series on Building Your Chinese Library. It is not an exhaustive list of Hyread libraries in Taiwan because I ran out of

This is part of my series on Building Your Chinese Library. I didn’t really want to write this post for years. Everyone else has written a
This is part of my series on Building A Chinese Library. At this point, I’ve organized Chinese library for about 5-6 people; the method is the

This past year (2020), I took Fleur to the local Taipei library and got her library cards straightened out. This is after she followed my instructions and got a virtual library card years ago. So I have changed the instructions to reflect the fact that it’s best if you put in your passport number. Though it’s not the end of the world if you don’t. You’d just apply for a real card using your passport when you go into the library.

This post is by no end an exhaustive list of all the places where to buy books in Taiwan, nor a list of the cheapest bookstores. But rather some of my favorite places for books in Taiwan.
This is Part 3 of my Building a Chinese Library for the Kids series. In Parts 1 and 2, I gave some background on Chinese children’s books and how I picked them,

When Thumper was 1, I had no clue. I didn’t even know what a Picture Book was. There’s also the issue that building a Chinese library for kids in the US is a difficult task. I don’t think one should just buy all the books Taiwanese parents recommend.