Urgh, what a month. I feel like I’m on this sharp incline, holding onto a rope so that I don’t fall into the abyss that’s
Category: Homeschool
As I mentioned in my previous post, I decided that for us, writing for now means learning to handwrite beautifully in addition to learning the composition
I’ve been repeating this past month that I cannot squeeze in everything in our work period. Particularly, I was having trouble squeezing in music and
Wow, what a month. I went through it feel like I couldn’t squeeze it all in. Partly because we had visitors for a whole week
What a terrible subject line. But one way to guarantee only people who want to read a brain dump will read it. Because the post
One of my goals this year for Astroboy is learning 500 characters. Last year, I wasn’t consistent and we only went through 40 characters. This
August was a strange month. We had zhuyin class and playdates for 3 weeks, and 1 week of vacation for Thumper with the kids been gone
When I pulled Thumper and Astroboy out of school 1.75 years ago, Thumper was speaking more English during school to her friends, knew about 250-300

Wow, I just looked over all the pics I took over the last month and we’ve been doing more work than even I remember. These
Title: 君偉上小學 Pages: 304 Age: 8-12yrs (I’ve seen it on 1-2 grade reading lists) Online bookstore/more info: books.com.tw The last two weeks, we re-started homeschooling after