Age: Almost 8! Grade: 2nd-3rd grade (低中年級) Pages: 261 Yippie! Another hump crossed on the reading front. After starting with the 亮亮 series, then the
Author: Guavarama
Age: 5 Grade: Primary (3-6yrs old) Tonight marks a momentous occasion. Astroboy insisted on reading through a whole picture book by himself. This last week, we
Astroboy started his second iteration of zhuyin class this past week, and this one it is me teaching it all the way. I need to
Now that school has started for our friends in public school, it is time for us to head back into the classroom officially as well.
Someone once told me that the Montessori Science curriculum is the foundation for elementary. As in, children learn all the other subjects off of science. It
Age: 5 and almost 8 Presentation: Introduction to Energy We had our first ‘co-op’ teaching session yesterday with another family who is also homeschooling in Chinese. It
So I was dragged into an Internet spat today. The poster posts her education advices online; you know, recommended books, parenting philosophy, etc. There are lots
Horray for having a curriculum! Sunday night I looked on my presentation calendar and realized I was supposed to present skip counting on Monday. I
I’m procrastinating by writing posts instead of planning. I started the year with a big bang as usual and petered out after about a week.
When I pulled Thumper and Astroboy out of school 1.75 years ago, Thumper was speaking more English during school to her friends, knew about 250-300