Oh the pain, the pain. I’m currently working on modifying the beautiful 2015-2016 work plan I had set up last semester for Thumper. How
Year: 2015
I finally got my hands on the book 我家就是國際學校 My Home is an International School this afternoon. I devoured it in an hour. It will require

The last 2 weeks, we switched the way we are learning to write Chinese. Probably one of the reasons Thumper is now working mostly entirely
After a few weeks of kids getting sick and not really doing co-cop, this past Wednesday we had a really good one learning about water.
So I wrote this way last year, summarizing a research paper I read about learning to read/write Chinese. Upon re-reading it, I realized how so much
The last few weeks, Astroboy has been getting up earlier than me and roaming around the house with nothing to do. Sometimes he’s really good
I’ve had some people ask me for opinions on what books to buy from 基礎漢字500 Sagebooks recently. I usually try to be balanced and take
Age:5 Grade Level: 0-6 yrs old (read to), 1st grade (read) Pages: 59 Sage Level: Level 3 (orange series) book 3 Publisher: Grimmes Press This year, I’m super happy
Today, I install my Chinese fonts for the 4th time on a fourth computer Mac comes preinstalled with Chinese fonts. So there is no reason
Last year, I had a work plan that I probably followed for about a few weeks. I felt bad that I posted about it and